The Confidence
Reinvention Coach
Amplify Confidence To
Reinvent Your Life
To Get More Of What You Want
Personal +Spiritual+Business Development
Unlock Your Goals
Jumpstart Your Dreams

She’s The Total Package Faith-based Life style Brand aims to create a community that empowers high-achieving women to Amplify Confidence, to Reinvent Themselves To Get More Of What They Want. unlock their goals to jumpstart their dreams to build wealth and leave a legacy for their families. This will give them the confidence to see their strengths, take their power back, and change their stories to become independent leaders discovering and uncovering their gifts within to create the life she deserves.. Then serves notice on things that no longer serve them.
Iv'e been successfully coaching clients through the Fredericksburg , Virginia area and facilitating their self-growth.
Let me help you learn and develop better ways to handle the challenges standing in the way of your progress and goals by working together as a team. GrowFriends growing together in grace. Sign Up by clicking the link below for a consultation to see if this is a good fit for you.
Grab your copy of this new game-changing book!
Are you a high-achieving woman looking for fulfillment but suffering from the silent killer of emotional bondage? Are you tired of being told you're not good enough, smart enough, skinny enough, educated enough? Are you stuck because of insecurities and toxic relationships?
Has dysfunction become a normal way of life for you, stealing your God-given vision, dreams, goals and aspirations?
If life has broken your heart, you need to heal in order to become whole. God wants you to clean up the mess in your life, my sister. He wants to help you maximize your potential by monetizing your passion and lead you to success.
In Mastering the Steps to Become Whole, Crystal Coleman exposes Satan's tactics of deception and provides ten life-changing steps that will transform and renew your mind, heal your heart, and free you to take back your God-given power and authority to live a complete, purpose-driven, successful life.